II. Inserting Client Containers Into Kubernetes
Welcome to part two, where the journey of deploying a kubernetes cluster onto Amazon Web Services is documented. The first part of this series focused on setting up the kubernetes network with a deployment of multiple server pods as well as an ingress nginx controller. In that post, I explained how to pull local images into K8S and some key commands that will be needed to understand concepts in this post. This post will walk through the steps of deploying client containers into an established kubernetes network.
In the same fashion of the server, to install out client containers into the K8S network we will need a client_deployment and client_clusterIP yaml files. For these config files to work, we will need to navigate into the client directory and build out the client dockerfile.
The dockerfile for most React applications will resemble the one below.

This dockerfile implements a multi-stage build, which will reduce the image size a great amount. The first build is called the builder
stage where the image installs all the the needed packages and builds the production version of the React UI. The production process creates a static index.html
file placed into the /build
directory. In the second stage, the images pulls the nginx:1.18.0-alpine
to serve our static index.html
file. We then overwrite the default nginx.config
with the local nginx.config
in the client directory. The nginx image is designed to serve the index.html
file placed in the /user/share/nginx/html
path, so we will copy the build directory from the builder
stage and place it into that path. To build just run
docker build -t client .
in the terminal.

The localnginx.config
file establishes the port to be used is 3000
and the line try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html
ensures that our react-router-dom
package works seamlessly. If this line was not present, nginx 404
errors will pop up whenever a url path is types instead of navigated to in the frontend.
Note that the command CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
is commented out. To run this image stand alone, uncomment this line to serve the standard index.html
file. However, to run this image in K8S we will need to remove the CMD
for our network to display the html
We will need the client_clusterIP.yaml
to expose our pods to the K8S network.

We give it the name of client-cluster-ip-service
so we can reference it in our ingress controller and the selector: {component: client}
so we can again reference this but through our client_deployment.yaml
The client_deployment.yaml
file will ensure that all of the pods that are managed in this deployment remain healthy and operating as directed.

Like the server_deployment.yaml
file, we match these pods with the client_clusterIP
service and pull the local image client.
To ensure that outside traffic will be directed to our frontend, we will need to establish route rules in our ingress controller.

Updating the ingress_service.yaml
file to include the new rule /?(.*),
will redirect all incoming traffic that does not start with /api/
in its url to return a frontend page.
To implement these updates, run the command
kubectl apply -f k8s
to receive the output of our objects being created or configured.

Since most of the objects were created in part I, we will see unchanged
for server-cluster-ip-service
and server-deployment.
Although the image above does not reflect client-cluster-ip-service
and client-deployment
being created, the first run of apply
will create the object. The ingress-service
is configured
which means updated.
To check if the kubernetes cluster is healthy, use the commands
kubectl get <object>
kubectl describe <object> <name>
to check if the objects are running.
To access the front end and run the command
minikube ip
to receive the IP address of our minikube VM. Once we grab the IP address, we can access the UI via http://<minikubeIP>/
as the URL. For this camp application, the homepage makes an immediate api call to the /api/v1/bootcamp

From the console, the call onto the bootcamp route received a successful response with one camp fetched from the MongoDB database. The call to user was unsuccessful because the route did not receive valid JSON
From this brief example, we can see that all traffic inside our K8S network passes through the ingress nginx controller. In respect to this K8S cluster, the minikube IP
is the localhost
of the network. The ingress nginx controller is configure to listen on port 80,
so all API calls not specifying a port will automatically a direct its traffic to port 80.
In the client src code, all axios
calls take the form axios.get('/api/v1/<route>'),
so the ingress controller will direct this call to the server deployment pods.
Successfully, we have placed our client image into the already existing kubernetes network!